Your best self

Being a style coach means more than just taking care of your image. How we look expresses how we feel, who we are, where we want to be, what we want to achieve, our opinion about ourselves. Our image is not only about the things people can see, it is not only visual, but also psychological, spiritual and emotional. Personal stylists, image consultans, personal shoppers deal only with what is on the outside, creating outfits and wardrobes depending on what they see not on what they feel about you. I, as a style coach, am interested in getting to know you, the real you, with your fears and untold stories, with your wishes and adventures, with your flaws and outstanding qualities. Every person is different and every person has a different reason why they can’t find their style, why they can’t or don’t want to express themselves through clothes. It is tough, but the mess in your closet is actually the mess you’re dealing with in your head, in your soul, in your life.

My job isn’t just to advise you on colours, shapes and styles to suit you. It’s to help you understand your wonderful uniqueness and how to dress in a way that expresses your PERSONALITY and boosts your CONFIDENCE.

Reboot your style

Realistic, affordable and lasting style solutions.


1. Personal Check

In order to deliver the best results, I need to get to know you. We’ll spend a few hours talking everything from your favorite childhood games to your worst heartbreak, from the most enjoyable subjects to your least happy stories. I want you to feel secure and to trust in me 100%, so, in order for you to feel comfortable talking about your life and your secrets, we will sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) which will ensure both me and you that all the informations are confidential.

It is essential to have this time for ourselves, actually for me to feel your energy, to get to know your full story. I bet you asked yourself at least once how did all these stylish women we see at TV, on fashion blogs, in magazines, all these successful women…how did they find their style, how do they know how to get dressed so cool, so fashionable? The answer is easier than you’d probably think. These women know exactly who they are, where they come from, they know their flaws, their vulnerabilities, their strength. These women accepted everything good and bad from their past till their present. These women are confident and trust in their instinct regarding what they should or should not wear, what they like or what they dislike.

2. Closet refresh & renew

After I got to know you a little bit, this is our next move: your wardrobe. Of course you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear because you went shopping haotically, with no plan and vision whatsoever. I bet you saw some nice shirts in a magazine and you liked the way they looked on the model or maybe you saw a cute dress on Instagram, on a fashion blogger and you reallly liked its fit. And I also bet you didn’t for a minute think if they would fit in your wardrobe or if they would look good combined with what you already have. And this is how piles and piles of clothes gathered in your closet, new and untouched. Do you know what this means? All this translates in wasted time, money and effort. Oh..not even mentioning the anxiety when you have to get dressed and you stay in front of a huge closet but having no idea what to choose and how to combine them. Here I come in handy. I got to know you and the styles you like and the woman you want to become by now so trust in me when I will detoxify your wardrobe. Yes, lots of clothes will be donated and you just have to get used to that. But wait, this is no just about detoxing your wardrobe of items that may no longer work but looking at your clothes with a new perspective and “shopping” the items you already have. I will also organise your clothing beautifully so it is easier and more friendly to navigate. Also, with the remaining items I will help you create some outfits taking into consideration your needs and lifestyle.

It includes:

* Tips for you to recognise what kind of clothes, cuts and colours favour you and what you should avoid.

* Everything goes into 2 categories: what stays and what goes away, either because it’s not the right size, doesn’t favour you or it does not go with your style.

* Putting several outfits together for different occasions with the clothes that remain. Then, I’ll take some photos of each one so you can remember them.

* List of the basic and statement pieces that are missing in your closet to have it complete.

3. Style moodboard

The style moodboard is a visual composition of how I see you, how I understand your personality and how I see it translated into clothes. This comes as a completion of the closet refresh and tries to help you have a perspective. Of course you have something to say and if you do not like the woman I created for you in this moodboard, than we will work to improve and make it feel as you as possible. The style moodboard includes outfits for your silhouette, lifestyle, budget, aspirations, idols and all the things you like.

4. Smart shopping

Do you have a special occassion or need to renew your closet? Let’s go shopping! If you need to build your wardrobe, have a special occasion, want to buy clothes that make you feel professional or just purchase new pieces. Let me help you with an expert eye! I’ll be right next to you to create the shopping list (mandatory even though we’ll be also shopping extra), to pick the most flattering pieces that suit your needs, preferences and budget, to try them on and combine them together or with the pieces you have at home.

5. Daily advice

Change comes in time and creating your own individual style takes some time, too. I am here for whatever issues you have, for your questions, your doubts, your fears, your tears, I am here to help you achieve your best, to reboot your confidence. You can write me on whatsapp or call me on Facetime to see how you styled your outfit, how creative you were and share with you some tips and trick I learned through my experience. Going shopping abroad or when I am not available? No worries, you can send me pictures of what you like, how they fit you and we’ll choose together what to buy.

Of course, considering your needs and expectations, we can collaborate in so many ways, combining the tools that I have with your ambition and desire to change.

I started working in fashion more than five years ago, using my personal skills and journalistic expertise to make it work. The courses I took at Vogue Uk helped me improve everything I knew. The experience I had at Fashion weeks in Paris, London and New York helped me increase my awareness and show my style. I worked for various designers and fashion magazines so my expertise is wide and various. As a style coach, I worked with dozens of women internationally and I still keep in touch with all of them. My passion for style, for fashion, my vision, my easy going way of interacting with people, my empathy, my so called talent of getting to know people and making them trust me, my way of understanding trends and how they can relate to everyday life are just some tools I use to change the way you see yourself. The rest is…you.

Contact me for further infos or to book a meeting:

* instagram: @hypewit
* Or here –> Ask Adriana

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