Happy 5, H&M Romania!

Dear H&M,
Five years have passed since you first landed in Romania and beside a big Happy fantastic birthday, I want to thank you for:
– the fact that since you came here, everybody started dressing nicer and cooler and also started being more aware of fashion and everything related to it.
– your more than friendly prices that allowed me to feed my shopping mania, look good and still have something to eat.
– your awesome campaigns that made me feel fashion even though I was buying a 10euro T-shirt seen in the ad.
– your soft bras, which are the most sexual non-sexual, funny, hype, versatile and comfortable pieces of lingerie.
– the all season sales; no matter the period, you always have something on sale, so that everybody can find their happiness.
My highschool memories are all wrapped up in purple. Everything was purple or any shade related to this red and blue mix; paired with yellow just made my mind go Hoolala! Everything I bought or received as a gift between the age of 16 and 18 was purple. I don’t remember how it all started nor how it finished, but I do remember it left a mark on people’s retina.
Numerology says five deals with travel, adventure, and motion.
5 beautiful years
Five is the number of the human being. The five senses (touch, smell, hear, see, taste). And where we would all be without them? The number five symbolizes meditation; religion; versatility.
Five years, five reasons to be thankful for. I wonder if you find it a coincidence that five years ago, a young Journalism graduate, dissapointed by the guild, found her salvation and then, her meaning in life, by starting working as a fashion PR for a Romanian designer? H&M, nothing in this life is by accident and by the time you were setting the grounds on a new market, I was setting my grounds on a new job, a new domain, a new life. You asked me in how many ways can I relate to this “five” factor and this got me thinking that five is all about me.
Numerology says five deals with travel, adventure, and motion. I hope you are all up to date with all my travels and the fact that I don’t know where my home is anymore. With a genuine interest in other people, those who resonate with the energy of Five take active roles in the community. Needless to say, all the geeks in this world unite because I’ll proudly represent you! Five people deal with challenges with cleverness and unorthodox solutions, have many projects and ideas going on at the same time and are sometimes in lack of time. Don’t want to brag or to complain, but this is SO true and not for nothing we are #hypewit.
Five is the number of the human being.
The five senses (touch, smell, hear, see, taste). And where we would all be without them? The number five symbolizes meditation; religion; versatility.
Five is your age, H&M Romania! An age that brought together for the first time so many bloggers to create one of the biggest campaigns of this year.
Congratulations for your success, your vision, your friends and projects!
Yours truly,
Adriana Matei
#HMsuperbday #HMhappy5